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The Theatre of Twenty-First Century Spain / El teatro de España del siglo XXI

Autor: Helen Freear-papio , Candyce Crew Leonard

Número de Páginas: 249

Identifying, naming, and belonging lend a sense of rational order, a feeling of rootedness within specific societies and eras, yet that order may collapse and threaten to undermine the predictability that ensures stability. As Spain enters only its fifth decade as a fully democratic nation, the country’s identity is unfocused and disorganized as it continues to reckon with its traumatic past. The nine research essays presented in this volume, all on plays authored in the twenty-first century, aim to address the myriad of complex social immediacies that impact Spain in the twenty-first century. Such topics include: non-heteronormative gender identity; “fake news” and how facts are interpreted, withheld, or distorted; female self-agency and authorship; violence against women; and the ongoing need for justice for family histories that have been erased and repressed by Spain’s inability to resolve its recent past. Identificar, nombrar y pertenecer brinda un sentido de orden racional, un sentimiento de arraigo dentro de sociedades y épocas específicas, pero ese orden puede colapsar y amenazar con socavar la previsibilidad que asegura la estabilidad. A medida que España entra ...

Renaissance and Baroque Poetry of Spain

Autor: Elias L. Rivers

Número de Páginas: 351

In Spanish. This volume, while including many of the usual anthology pieces from Spanish poetry, provides a sampling of the major genres of poetry associated with Spains older literary traditions, omitting only the classical epic. In addition to English prose translations, this collection also includes a seventeen-page introduction intended to define the genres and to indicate briefly the lines along which they developed. Includes selections from these poets of the Renaissance: Juan Boscn, Cristbal de Castillejo, Garcilaso de la Vega, Gutierre de Cetina, Francisco de la Torre, Hernando de Acua, Fray Luis de Len, Baltasar del Alczar, Fernando de Herrera, Francisco de Aldana, and San Juan de la Cruz. Includes selections from these Baroque poets: Lupercio & Bartolom L. de Argensola, Luis de Gngora, Lope de Vega, Juan de Arguijo, Francisco de Medrano, Rodrigo Caro, Andrs Fernndez de Andrada, Pedro Espinosa, Francisco de Quevedo, Francisco de Rioja, Esteban Manuel de Villegas, and Sor Juana Ins de la Cruz.

España - campus de excelencia internacional = Spain - campus of international excellence

Autor: Campos Calvo-sotelo, Pablo

Número de Páginas: 354

Las universidades europeas han experimentado un cambio trascendental debido a la implantación del Espacio Europeo de Educación Superior (EEES) y el compromiso de impulsar desde las universidades el Espacio Europeo de Investigación. El Programa "Campus de Excelencia Internacional. (CEI), promovido por la Secretaría General de Universidades del Ministerio de Educación, es uno de los ejes estructurales de modernización de las Universidades en España. En este contexto este obra pretende alcanzar tres metas: Permanecer como testigo editorial de la inédita movilización positiva hacia una reestructuración de las Universidades españolas en 2009, instar a la continuidad del Programa ministerial, y difundir internacionalmente el patrimonio urbanístico y arquitectónico de las Universidades españolas. El autor aporta una lectura completa y comprometidamente transversal de la Universidad española, interpretándola subjetivamente bajo la mirada del arquitecto que en dos décadas ha analizado tanto la dimensión tipológica de los recintos académicos, como la planificación de espacios educativos de nueva planta, generando conceptos originales, como el "Campus Didáctico".

Medieval and Renaissance Spain and Portugal

Autor: Arthur Lee-francis Askins

Número de Páginas: 350

The career of Arthur L-F. Askins is celebreated in a panorama of current scholarship on the Iberian peninsula during the Middle Ages and the Renaissance.

A Treaty of Peace Between the United States and Spain

Autor: United States , Spain

Número de Páginas: 706

January 4, 1899, read ; treaty read the first time and referred to the Committee on foreign relations, and, together with the message and accompanying papers, ordered to be printed in confidence for the use of the Senate.

A Treaty of Peace Between the United States and Spain

Autor: United States. President (1897-1901 : Mckinley)

Número de Páginas: 706

The First Letter from New Spain

Autor: John F. Schwaller , Helen Nader

Número de Páginas: 317

Presenting an authoritative translation and analysis of the only surviving original document from the first months of the Spanish conquest, this book brings to life a decisive moment in the history of Mexico and offers an enlarged understanding of the conquerors' motivations.

Sex Crimes, Honour, and the Law in Early Modern Spain

Autor: Renato Barahona , Archivo De La Real Chancillería De Valladolid. Sala De Vizcaya

Número de Páginas: 308

Based on approx. 350 lawsuits from the Sala de Vizcaya at the Archivo de la Real Chancillería de Valladolid, between 1500 and 1750.

Pedro de Rivera and the Military Regulations for Northern New Spain, 1724-1729

Autor: Thomas H. Naylor , Charles W. Polzer

Número de Páginas: 392

Documents relating to Rivera's inspection of New Spain's military frontier, presented in their original Spanish and in translation, provide a detailed background by which modern scholars can better assess the status and role of Spain's military outposts.

Essays on the Literary Baroque in Spain and Spanish America

Autor: John Beverley

Número de Páginas: 203

The continuing importance of the Baroque in Spanish and Latin American culture.

Palomo Spain

Autor: Alejandro Gómez Palomo

Número de Páginas: 272

Palomo Spain: toda la trayectoria del enfant terrible de la moda española. «Diseño para chicos que no quieren renunciar a llevar volantes, pedrería o muaré, sobre todo después de descubrir que les hace felices.» Hablar de Palomo Spain es hablar de un universo creativo inagotable, mágico, festivo y único. Palomo diseña prendas fastuosas y delicadas, de cortes arriesgados y mezclas a priori imposibles, combinando las piezas más vanguardistas con detalles tradicionales, buscando siempre que el hombre se sienta especial. Pero, sin duda, el mayor acierto de Alejandro es haber reinventado la forma de vestir del hombre, un hombre que no solo no teme sino que potencia su lado más femenino y sensual. Bienvenidos al Universo Palomo.

Human Resource Management in the Digital Economy: Creating Synergy between Competency Models and Information

Autor: De Juana-espinosa, Susana

Número de Páginas: 445

Businesses worldwide are faced with major challenges related to the progressive (and many times unavoidable) incorporation of information technologies into their processes. Often, organizations don’t suitably react to the new requirements of these technologies, resulting in outdated policies, practices, and strategies. Human Resource Management in the Digital Economy: Creating Synergy between Competency Models and Information is a reference for both practitioners and academics that demonstrates how to implement e-management and competency models in companies. This book offers perspectives on the impact of integrated e-human resource policies and provides recommendations for addressing the shift from traditional human resource policies to new perspectives.

Monthly Bulletin of the International Bureau of the American Republics

Autor: Pan American Union

Número de Páginas: 688

Revista de Historia de América

Autor: Silvio Zavala

Número de Páginas: 448

Includes sections "Resenas de libros," "Revistas" and "Bibliografia de historia de America."

The Titled Nobility of Europe

Autor: Melville Henry Massue Marquis De Ruvigny Et Raineval , Melville Henry Massue Marquis Of Ruvigny And Raineval

Número de Páginas: 1605

Friar Bringas Reports to the King

Autor: Daniel S. Matson , Bernard L. Fontana

Número de Páginas: 194

When Friar Diego Bringas penned his 1796–97 report on conditions in northwestern New Spain, he was imbued with an enthusiastic drive for reform. Hoping to gain the King of Spain’s support in improving the missionary program, Bringas set down a detailed history of all that had happened in the region since Father Kino’s day. His writings offer a valuable study of Spanish attempts to bring about cultural change among the Piman Indians. Daniel S. Matson and Bernard L. Fontana have translated the Bringas document and added an informative introduction, notes, and references. They analyze Spanish methods of indoctrination and examine the implications in terms of the modern world. Friar Bringas carefully explained various missionary and secular policies, laws, and regulations. He pointed out why, in his opinion, Spanish efforts to convert the Piman Indians had failed. He also provided a report of the orders establishing the ill-fated Yuma missions. His fascinating account of the Gila River Pimas is one of the most complete ethnographic descriptions from that era. Friar Bringas Reports to the King is an important study of Spain’s attempts to assimilate the Indians. It offers a...

New dictionary, spanish and english and english and spanish : containing the etimology, the proper and metaphorical signification of words, terms of arts and sciences ...

Autor: Pedro Pineda

Número de Páginas: 784

Actas del XXI congreso internacional de A.E.D.E.A.N., Asociación Española de Estudios Anglo-Norteamericanos

Autor: Asociación Española De Estudios Anglo-norteamericanos. Congreso

Número de Páginas: 772

Schiavitù e servaggio nell’economia europea. Secc. XI-XVIII = Serfdom and Slavery in the European Economy

Autor: Simonetta Cavaciocchi

Número de Páginas: 756

Il volume esamina i rapporti di lavoro non contrattuali (schiavitù e servaggio) che a lungo contraddistinsero l'economia europea, sia pure con andamenti assai diversi nelle differenti aree. I saggi in esso contenuti esaminano la evoluzione del servaggio (visto come il lato economico del regime signorile) e delle diverse forme di sottomissione personale, fino alla vera e propria tratta degli schiavi, di cui i mercanti europei furono protagonisti, mettendo in luce una situazione assai più complessa e articolata di quanto gli schemi interpretativi tradizionali lasciassero intuire.

The American Diplomatic Code

Autor: Jonathan Elliot

Número de Páginas: 640

"Embracing a collection of treaties and conventions between the United States and foreign powers from 1778 to 1834 ; also, a concise diplomatic manual containing a summary of the law of nations from the works of Wicquefort, Martens, Kent, Vattel, Ward, Story, etc."--T.p.

A pronouncing dictionary of the Spanish and English languages: composed from the Spanish dictionaries of the Spanish Academy ...

Autor: Mariano Velazquez De La Cadena

Número de Páginas: 675

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