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Hablando bien se entiende la gente 2

Autor: Academia Norteamericana De La Lengua Española

Número de Páginas: 118

Recomendaciones de la Academia Norteamericana de la Lengua Española para mejorar su español En el anuncio de una sastrería se leía: "Se alteran pantalones". ¿Cómo? ¿Pantalones enojados? Sin duda el anuncio quería decir que se arreglaban pantalones. Aunque el adjetivo alterado significa también cambio "Lo encontré muy alterado; seguramente le habrían dado una mala noticia", en este caso de la sastrería el término más preciso es arreglar. Cuando vives en los Estados Unidos, hablar español correctamente se vuelve una "Misión casi imposible". Cada día usamos más traducciones erróneas para comunicarnos; como es el caso, por ejemplo, del uso de "carpeta", del inglés carpet, para referirnos a la alfombra, o "parquear", del inglés parking, cuando lo que realmente queremos decir es estacionar. En Hablando bien se entiende la gente 2, la Academia Norteamericana de la Lengua Española reanuda la divertida aventura que inició en el 2009. En esta continuación del exitoso Hablando bien se entiende la gente, encontrarás los términos correctos para cientos de palabras así como las respuestas a algunas de las preguntas que nos hacemos más frecuentemente sobre el uso del...

La rebelde

Autor: Leonor Villegas De MagnÑn

Número de Páginas: 308

La Rebelde marks the first printing of the original Spanish-language version of the memoir written by a revolutionary woman, Leonor Villegas de Magnon (1876-1955). Villegas de Magnon was a fiery critic of dictator Porfirio Diaz and a conspirator and participant in the Mexican Revolution. She rebelled against the ideals of her aristocratic class and against the traditional role of women in her society. In 1910 Villegas de Magnon moved from Mexico to Laredo, Texas, where she continued supporting the revolution as a member of the Junta Revolucionaria (Revolutionary Council) and as an incisive editorialist in Laredo newspapers. In 1913, she founded La Cruz Blanca (The White Cross), a corps of nurses for the revolutionary forces active from the border region to Mexico City. Many women from both sides of the border risked their lives and left their families to support the revolution. Years later, however, when their participation remained unacknowledged and was running the risk of being forgotten, Villegas de Magnon decided to write her personal account of this history. With enthralling text and 22 pages of photos, La Rebelde examines the period from 1876 through 1920, documenting the...

The Harvest

Autor: Tomàs Rivera

Número de Páginas: 140

The Harvest / La cosecha is the gathering of the complete short fiction of the late Tomàs Rivera, the celebrated Chicano author of the classic ƒy no se lo tragÑ la tierra / ƒAnd the earth did not devour him. Framed within the Odyssean cycle of the migratory farm workers, RiveraÍs stories are myths and parables which relate the universal themes of alienation, love and betrayal, man and nature, death and resurrection, and the search for community. Represented in laconic and poetic prose, RiveraÍs characters become indelibly inscribed on the multicultural fabric of American literature.

Pioneros puertorriqueÐos en Nueva York 1917-1947

Autor: JoaquÕn ColÑn

Número de Páginas: 388

Joaquín Colón (1896-1964) was a Puerto Rican activist and writer who, in his later years, felt compelled to recount the history of the first large wave of Puerto Rican immigrants making a life for themselves in New York City. Here, published for the first time is the original Spanish-language manuscript he left behind, a document rich in detail and insight of the evocation of the previously unknown personalities who fought the struggles of labor and political organizing in the early century. The founder of important mutual aid societies, Hispanic political organizations and civic groups, Colón was an indefatigable fighter for Hispanic civic participation and suffrage. An early Hispanic activist in the Democratic Party of Brooklyn, Colón was a pioneer in organizing and motivating political action by Puerto Ricans, who were United States citizens, and in brokering their power for improvements in their lot as a national minority. Always at the center of community culture, Colón was an acclaimed speaker and a widely read columnist in Spanish-language newspapers, where he served as a public conscience writing under his own name, as well as under the pseudonyms of Tello Casiano,...

Colección documental de la independencia del Perú

Autor: Comisión Nacional Del Sesquicentenario De La Independencia Del Perú

Número de Páginas: 592

Estrellita Says Good-bye to Her Island / Estrellita se despide de su isla

Autor: Samuel Caraballo

Número de Páginas: 42

As Estrellita leaves her beloved Caribbean island home, she combines all of its features into an ode celebrating its green and eternal beauty.

Campañas del general d. Felix María Calleja, comandante en gefe del Ejercito real de operaciones llamado del centro

Autor: Carlos María De Bustamante

Número de Páginas: 258

Río Es Ancho

Autor: Marlon L. Fick

Número de Páginas: 476

This bilingual anthology of contemporary Mexican poetry reflects a broad continuum of styles and offers generous selections from the writings of 20 poets. "I can't recommend it highly enough."--Luis Alberto Urrea, author of "The Devil's Highway."

Tomàs Rivera

Autor: Tomàs Rivera

Número de Páginas: 420

Tomàs Rivera quite possibly has been the most influential voice in Chicano literature. Besides his masterpiece, ƒy no se lo tragÑ la tierra / ƒAnd the Earth Did Not Devour Him, included here is the sum total of his published works, in English and Spanish, as well as many that never made print in his lifetime.

Nuevos horizontes

Autor: José B. Fernández , Nasario García

Número de Páginas: 200

An intermediate reader containing eighteen short stories by Chicano, Puerto Rican, and Cuban authors who live or have lived in the United States.

Sumario Actual de Revistas

Autor: Instituto De Cultura Hispánica (spain). Biblioteca

Número de Páginas: 1082

Arco Iris Desnudo Y Otros Cuentos

Autor: Nasario García

Número de Páginas: 262

This charming collection of tales are based on stories and characters Nasario García knew of growing up in the Rio Puerco Valley of northern New Mexico.

Cuenta que el Ministro de Obras Públicas presenta al Congreso Nacional en sus sesiones ordinarias de ...

Autor: Venezuela. Ministerio De Obras Públicas

Número de Páginas: 298

Centro de Investigación en Identidad y Cultura Latinoamericanas (CIICLA).

Autor: Universidad De Costa Rica. Centro De Investigación Identidad Cultural Latinoamericana

Número de Páginas: 68

Bolitas de Oro

Autor: Nasario García

Número de Páginas: 136

These vivid memories of the poet's life in rural New Mexico in the 50s were written first in Spanish then translated to English.

Directorio industrial, 1955: Nómina de los establecimientos según la clasificación industrial

Autor: Ecuador. Dirección Del Censo Industrial

Número de Páginas: 400

Aztlán y México

Autor: Luis Leal

Número de Páginas: 282

Many of the fundamental concerns of Chicano and Mexican letters are dealt with by Leal, such as the meaning and origin of the myth of Aztlan, the problem of distinguishing Chicano literature from American and Mexican literature, the consideration of the influence of the Mexican Revolution novel on Chicano narrative, the description of the feminine archetypes of the Mexican Revolution novel on Chicano narrative, and a review of the North American as depicted in Mexican literature.

Registro nacional de la República Argentina que comprende los documentos expedidos desde 1810 hasta 1891 ...

Autor: Argentina

Número de Páginas: 574

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