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La mirada del otro en la literatura hispánica

Autor: Robert Folger , José Elías Gutiérrez Meza

Número de Páginas: 304

Este conjunto de trabajos examina la representación del otro en distintas expresiones de la Literatura Hispánica: novela, teatro, memoria, zarzuela, relato de viajes, entre otras. Asimismo, se sigue una perspectiva diacrónica que abarca desde la literatura del Siglo de Oro español hasta la literatura latinoamericana más actual.

La vorágine

Autor: José Eustasio Rivera

Número de Páginas: 407

The novel is set in at least three different bioregions of Colombia during the rubber boom. This novel narrates the adventures of Arturo Cova, a hot-headed proud chauvinist and his lover Alicia, as they elope from Bogotá, through the eastern plains and later, escaping from criminal misgivings, through the amazon rainforest of Colombia. In this way Rivera is able to describe the magic of these regions, with their rich biodiversity, and the lifestyle of the inhabitants. However, one of the main objectives of the novel is to reveal the appalling conditions that workers in the rubber factories experience. La Vorágine also introduces the reader to the tremendous hardship of enduring the overwhelming and adverse environment of the rainforest, as the protagonists (Arturo Cova and Alicia) get lost and are unable to be found.


Autor: Heberto Morales

Número de Páginas: 103

Jovel, serenata a la gente menuda is an essential novel in the literary canon of Chiapas, Mexico; not only for belonging to the historic novel genre, but also by bringing out important identity traits for the Chiapas population. The strategies for the composition of this fictional world follow very closely historical documents to relate the circumstances at the departure from the Iberian Peninsula in the XVI century of the Spanish group that colonized, founded and established itself in Ciudad Real de Chiapas (current San Cristóbal de las Casas), as well as diverse circumstances of the indigenous Tzotzil people of the old Mayan culture, and the trip they undertook from Guatemala till arriving to the current valley of Jovel in Chiapas. Where up until now they exist and preserve their customs and traditions, that give sustenance not only to their culture, but also provide general characteristics to the Chiapanecan community. As a fictional universe this novel represents with a total mural like zeal the lives of apparently insignificant groups to expand the compression of the past and to give meaning to a present existence, by means of identity characteristics belonging to the people ...

El señor presidente

Autor: Miguel Angel Asturias

Número de Páginas: 1198

Recibida desde su publicaci n en 1946 como una obra maestra, El se or Presidente inaugura en Latinoam rica un g nero que muy pronto dej abundante descendencia: la novela del dictador. Miguel ngel Asturias logr una novela de prosa impecable, de ritmos y atm sferas po ticas, en la que relata el paulatino deterioro moral de un personaje complejo.

Bibliografía de la literatura colombiana del siglo XIX: M-Z

Autor: Flor María Rodríguez-arenas

Número de Páginas: 8

Colombia produced one of the richest literatures of Latin America, as much for its abundance as for its variety and innovation during the 19th century. This value has been unknown due to subsequent writers and critics that rejected the importance of this literature and influenced readers to ignore this literary production as noteworthy. In the same way, this lack of recognition has been perpetuated by the absence of information of the literary works produced during the 19th century and has hampered the investigation and research of new generations of readers. Therefore, this Bibliography of 19th century Colombian Literature is an indispensable tool for scholars. They can now begin to gain an understanding of the crucial work of these Colombian intellectuals who forged the literature of this period and contributed decidedly to the consolidation of Latin American literature. The research for this bibliography has spanned three decades of investigation in Colombian libraries as well as the libraries of other countries. It has been a systematic search of the different fields of literary production of Colombians from the end of the Colonial period and the Wars of Independence to the...

El éxodo de Yangana

Autor: Angel F. Rojas

Número de Páginas: 42

Esta edición crítica, prologada y anotada por Flor María Rodríguez-Arenas, tanto por su calidad literaria como por su aporte al canon del “boom literario Latinoamericano” resulta enriquecedora para cualquier curso de literatura Hispánica de Siglo XX, y de Estudios Latinoamericanos en general. -- Page 4 of cover.

Eugenio Díaz Castro

Autor: Flor Maria Rodriguez-arenas

Número de Páginas: 319

Eugenio Diaz Castro's family position (son of landowner), social standing (belonged to the -nobility- of the region) and cultural breadth (he studied for six years at the San Bartolome to become a lawyer and fulfilled all the requirements established by law to obtain the degree in civil law) he was far from being the uncultivated farmer that Jose Maria Vergara y Vergara disseminated through rhetorical, ideological and social devices with the sole purpose of silencing his strong and problematic voice and nullify his lucid, solid thought so ideologically opposite his own. Diaz Castro was the ideologue of the literary journal El Mosaico that became one of the most important vehicles for disseminating Colombian literature in the second half of the 19th Century. In order to launch and secure publication, he offered the text of Manuela. A Bogota Novel to the journal. He was both an avid reader and had profound understanding of human nature traits that made him an insightful observer of social and political life. He never attributed his literary craft to -costumbrismo-. Manuela's structure and composition combined French Realism of mid-century, liberalism and socialism to produce a novel ...


Autor: Jorge Isaacs

Número de Páginas: 41

Jorge Isaacs' María is perhaps the best known, most frequently read 19th century Spanish American novel, but at the same time, the most often misunderstood by modern readers and critics alike. The novel has been labeled by some critics as a real tear-jerker that seeks to revive, and to share with the reader, the loss of a first love. The story is recounted by Efraín, a first-person narrator, who tells it in retrospection, reconstructing the events and feelings of the moment, but in many instances reacting to that past in the emotional framework of the present. The abundant weeping in the tale has been marked as the most criticized narrative device used by Isaacs, causing modern audiences being little able to appreciate the sentimentality of the tear-filled novel. This persistent complain indicates the lack of knowledge about the "age of sensibility" and the idea of masculinity that spread throughout western European literature and culture during the second part of the 18th century and the 19th century. The notion of sensibility was a powerful force in the development of social thinking, art, and philosophy. It was associated with beliefs of sympathy, virtue, benevolence, tender...

Periodicos literarios y generos narrativos menores

Autor: Flor María Rodríguez-arenas

Número de Páginas: 37

The early nineteenth century Colombian fiction narrative lacked until now of an in depth critical study, as most histories of Colombian literature while discussing the period between 1825 and 1850 limit their focus on newspaper texts with costumbrista tendencies, neglecting the rich different variations of fiction written during that time. With the detailed and careful study of the first five literary newspapers published between 1825 and 1850 en Colombia: La Miscelanea (1825-1826), La Estrella Nacional (1836), El Albor Literario (1846), El Duende (1846-1849), El Museo (1849), and texts from: El Reconciliador Bogotano (may-july, 1827), El Cachaco de Bogota (1833), and El Dia (1840-1851), prof. Flor Maria Rodriguez-Arenas offers a panorama of the complex evolutionary process of the narrative of fiction in Colombia during the early nineteenth century. During the first half of the 19th century, Colombia produced a diversity of fiction writings published in newspapers, magazines and books. These simple structured texts reveal the change in thought that emerged along those decades, while underlining the influence of the orality still prevalent in the area. A great number of the...

El hombre y los Andes. Tomo III

Autor: Rafael Varón , Javier Flores Espinoza

Número de Páginas: 74

Este libro reúne las propuestas de destacados Investigadores de los Andes, quienes, como un homenaje académico en honor de Franklin Pease García Yrigoyen, fueron convocados a presentar trabajos originales en sus respectivos campos de ivestigación. Los estudios compilados abarcan un amplio espectro temático que examina la historigrafía, la literatura, las fuentes y la arqueología andinas, así como el Tahuantinsuyo, el virreinato, los inicios dela república y el siglo XX en la historia del Perú. La búsqueda de una indentidad colectiva y la propuesta de un mundo mejor están presentes en toda la obra de Franklin Pease G.Y., uno de los más influyentes estudiosos de la tradición historiográfica peruana del colahoradores de este homenaje. El resultado obtenido es un panorama lozano y renovado de la investigación académica de la región que, al presentar imágenes y trayectorias mejor definidas, muestra que la historia es vida y que une armoniosamente el que hacer científico con la experiencia cotidiana de los pueblos.

Pensamiento colombiano del siglo XX

Autor: Santiago Castro-gómez

Número de Páginas: 486

CONTENIDO: Agustín Nieto Caballero / Humberto Quiceno / - Antonio García Nossa / Juan Carlos Villamizar / - Baldomero Sanín Cano / Rubén Sierra / - Camilo Arturo Torres / Javier Ocampo / Ernesto Huhl / Ovidio Delgado / - Estanislao Zuleta / Alberto Valencia / - Gerardo Molina / Darío Acevedo / - Gonzalo Arango / Diego Pineda / - Ignacio Torres Giraldo / Álvaro Oviedo / - Indalecio Liévano Aguirre / Mauricio Archila / - Jorge Gaitán Durán / David Jiménez / - Luis Carlos Galán / Oscar Guardiola-Rivera / - Luis López de Mesa / Carlos Uribe / - Manuel Quintín Lame / Mónica Espinosa / - Marta Traba / Beatriz González / - Nicolás Gómez Dávila / Juan Fernando Mejía / - Rafael María Carrasquilla / Óscar Saldarriaga / - Virginia Gutiérrez de Pineda / Ligia Echeverri.

Y las mujeres?

Autor: María Mercedes Jaramillo , Ángela Inés Robledo , Flor María Rodríguez-arenas

Número de Páginas: 516

Tradiciones peruanas

Autor: Ricardo Palma

Número de Páginas: 17

Ricardo Palma's Tradiciones Peruanas make up one of the most widely read works in the ambit of Spanish language literature. They were produced along almost seven decades, between the 19th and 20th centuries, offering an analytical interpretation of the constructive process of the Peruvian nationality, by one of the most incisively critical writers in Peru at that time. Palma is noted for creating the literary genre, Tradición -a combination of fiction and history that forms a kind of historical anecdote. His works concerning colonial and early republican Peru were published in a series of volumes called Tradiciones Peruanas, containing more than 800 different texts. As a literature resource, the Tradiciones Peruanas allow readers to acquaint themselves with the general feeling of Peruvian history. Ricardo Palma was a writer who searched for inspiration from the ample historic register of his country, written as well as oral. He was born in the heart of a new nation which had only acquired its independence a decade before and which, under the name of the Viceroyalty of New Castille or Perú, had been one of the most important Spanish centers in America. Thanks to his comprehension ...

La novela colombiana hacia finales del siglo veinte

Autor: Lucía Ortiz

Número de Páginas: 192

"La novela colombiana hacia finales del siglo veinte: una nueva aproximacion a la historia" es un acercamiento a la novelistica colombiana de los ultimos anos y se centra en aquellos aspectos secularmente olvidados por la critica. Gabriel Garcia Marquez en "El general en su laberinto" establece un dialogo con el pasado en el que se cuestiona la objetividad de la historiografia. Manuel Zapata Olivella en "Chango el gran putas" recupera el legado africano en el desarrollo historico americano y Olga Behar, Ana Maria Jaramillo y Mary Daza Orozco, se apropian del testimonio como medio develador de las incompresiones de la crisis mas reciente vivida en el pais. En conjunto, estas obras son representativas de la revision cultural que vive Colombia a finales del siglo veinte."

Manuela. Novela Bogotana

Autor: Eugenio Díaz Castro

Número de Páginas: 25

By the beginning of the Twentieth Century, Eugenio Diaz Castro, having published Manuela, was already known as the author that had produced the realist novel that was "in its genre, the most faithful copy of reality by art and the most complete that had been written in America" (Cejador y Frauca 1918, 328). The author was a liberal writer that applied the rules of mid-century French Realism in order to describe, present, explain and objectively reproduce reality in the text. He attained this by offering proof of the observed phenomenon so that the reader, basing his/her judgment on the input the author provided would conclude what the state of his society was, and thus, could find the means to correct and improve it. His writing, composed of an effective realism, at times anticipates the arrival of Naturalism as a literary movement, because it examined the depths of human nature and the relationships of mankind with its surrounding society. Manuela's fictional world makes explicit the complexity of the interaction of cultural structures that mediated and interweaved at that time, and expressed the celerity of the flow of ideas which were an integral and central part of the...

Las lanzas coloradas

Autor: Arturo Uslar Pietri

Número de Páginas: 1008

La colecci n Archivos edita en este tomo los textos de la primera narrativa de Arturo slar Pietri, edici n preparada en vida del autor, con sus consejos e indicaciones Para la historia de su obra, pistas Para rastrear el manuscrito de Las lanzas coloradas (1931), y las primeras versiones de sus cuentos de Barrab s y otros relatos (1928) y de Red (1936), fundamentan el establecimiento del texto, el estudio gen tico y el dossier de recepci n cr tica.

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